Media Requests

Media Requests:

The 927th Air Refueling Wing’s Public Affairs office is the main outlet for news and information about the wing. We strive to inform and educate the base and members of the public on our mission and relevant information. In addition to distributing news and information, we produce stories about our unit(s) mission, people, aircraft and events. If you are a media or news outlet and would like to be added to our news release email distribution, please contact us at

Media Visits/Escorts:

We are glad to consider accommodating any media requests and news coverage through base visits with as much notice as possible.

Local Media Requests:

In line with our bases access requirements, we ask any news/media to disclose intent/coverage, full name(s) to include middle initial, drivers license and state of issue, for base access. For escort/visits we appreciate as much notice as possible, however given past experience and familiarity with local news outlets, we can usually accommodate on shorter notice.


The mission of the 927th Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs office is to communicate the successes, struggles, and contributions of the 927th Air Refueling Wing and the Air Force Reserve throughout the Tampa Bay region; educating potential advocates and gaining community support for the wing members and their families.

Community Requests



Official Tours hosted by the 927th Air Refueling Wing require the following:

  • Minimum of four weeks notice for approval/coordination
  • Minimum of 20 participants (not including escorts)
  • Participants must be 16 years of age or older

If your group is interested in a tour, please send an email to the wing's Public Affairs office at with the following information:
  • Name of group
  • Number of attendees
  • Contact information



The 927th Air Refueling Wing provides guests speakers to schools, churches and various community organizations. The speakers share information on deployments, the wing mission, and the US. Air Force Reserve. To schedule a speaker please email the 927th ARW/PA office at







The 927th Air Refueling Wing offers an immersive program for members of the community to gain a rare glimpse into the mission and operations of Tampa Bay's Citizen Airmen. Participants are offered the opportunity to meet wing leadership, engage in base events such as our annual awards, civic leader tours and various squadron events. If you are a civic leader or an integral member of the local community who is interested in our Honorary Commander Program, please contact us at

Public Affairs Services


  • Photo requests
  • Community involvement 
  • Speaking engagements
  • Publicity of Airmen accomplishments
  • Media training


The 927 ARW/PA provides studio access for official photos. For official photo requests during drill weekends please contact the Public Affairs office at (813) 828-5338 to make an appointment at least one month in advance. Access to the photo studio is based on availability and advanced notification. 



                CONTACT INFORMATION:

        927th Air Refueling Public Affairs

                      Mailing Address:

     8126 Hangar Loop Dr. Bldg 296 Rm.                    12 MacDill AFB, FL 33621

              Telephone: (813) 828-5338





Social Media