First Sergeant's Column

  • Published
  • By Master Sgt. Luke P. DiRuzza, Jr.
  • First Sergeant 927th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
When was the last time you opened up your Professional Military Education books and or reviewed Airman Responsibilities? Like most, is was probably when you were completing our PME Career Development Courses or while in-residence at one of the Airman, Noncommissioned Officers, or Senior Noncommissioned Officers PME schoolhouses.

So what's the big deal, right? Would you construct a new house without checking to make sure you have a strong foundation? Not likely. Every once it's a good idea to look back from where we came from to "check the foundation." We all know the buzz words such as re "blue"ing yourself. However, there are some very basic values we must live by and they can be found in AFI 36-2618 "Airman Responsibilities." Lets break it down into four (4) specific components within the AFI:

1.1.2. All elements of force development--the institutional competencies and the enlisted force structure--are grounded in Air Force core values (Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence in all we do).

Basically the Air Force core values are the framework and foundation for that we stand for as an enlisted force member.

3.1.4. Maintain the highest level of personal readiness to meet the mission requirements. This includes professional military bearing, high standards of dress and personal appearance, and correcting other Airman who violate this standard.
We must continually strive to meet the multiple set standards and set higher standards.

3.1.6. Know and understand the Wingman concept: Airman take care of fellow Airman.
We must continue to look out for each other. Both on and off duty. Be technically, physically, and mentally ready to accomplish the mission.
Being ready today is more challenging than ever before in the history of the Air Force. From completing upgrade training, being fit-to-fight, while at the same time balancing family responsibilities, a civilian career, and a military career can be difficult at times. Don't let it overwhelm you and ask for help if needed.

In closing we must continue to take care yourself first and the Airman around us at all times. A caring spirit and a willingness to help others can go a long way to build a successful military career. Take care for now.