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  • IDLC: Forging Reserve Defenders

    The Integrated Defense Leadership Course is based at Youngstown Air Reserve Station, Ohio, and uses training grounds at CJAG. IDLC was designed to provide Reserve Defenders with intensely focused hands-on training to achieve and maintain combat readiness.

  • U.S. F-35s forward deploy to NATO’s eastern flank

    SPANGDAHLEM AIR BASE, Germany --  Six F-35A aircraft from Hill Air Force Base's active duty 388th Fighter Wing and Reserve 419th Fighter Wing currently operating out of Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany, forward deployed Feb. 24 to the Baltic Sea and Black Sea regions in support of NATO’s collective

  • Veterans Day leadership message

    Heroes of the Air Force Reserve,Tomorrow our Nation commemorates Veterans Day. Currently, there are over 19 million men and women who have served our Nation in uniform. We are continually grateful for their service and sacrifice.Reserve Citizen Airmen have been involved in every major operation from

  • The Afghan Conundrum: Taliban’s Takeover and the Way Forward

    With the declaration of the establishment of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, regional countries are debating their way forward to either recognizing the Taliban-led government or not. For the United States, the situation is rather challenging, as aside from the tough questions over the

  • Key Spouse Mentors gather virtually to share ideas, best practices

    Air Force Reserve Key Spouse Mentors from around the country came together virtually May 7, to share their ideas, struggles and best practices. The Key Spouse Mentors conference also provided guidance and education on a host of Reserve programs available, resiliency and wellness techniques.

  • Scobee testifies before House Appropriations Committee

    Reserve Component and Congressional members discussed specific Reserve missions, modernization, mental health, diversity and the fiscal 2022 budget. In addition, Scobee touted the many accomplishments of Reserve Citizen Airmen in a year marked by challenges.