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  • IDLC: Forging Reserve Defenders

    The Integrated Defense Leadership Course is based at Youngstown Air Reserve Station, Ohio, and uses training grounds at CJAG. IDLC was designed to provide Reserve Defenders with intensely focused hands-on training to achieve and maintain combat readiness.

  • ‘Candy Bomber’ passes away at 101

    Starting his career in the U.S. Army Air Corps in 1942, Halvorsen served as a pilot until his retirement in 1974, after accumulating more than 8,000 flying hours and 31 years of military service. He was also known as the "Candy Bomber."

  • Veterans Day leadership message

    Heroes of the Air Force Reserve,Tomorrow our Nation commemorates Veterans Day. Currently, there are over 19 million men and women who have served our Nation in uniform. We are continually grateful for their service and sacrifice.Reserve Citizen Airmen have been involved in every major operation from

  • Air Force mental health leaders discuss future of the field

    Mental health leaders across the Air Force met virtually for an annual conference, which started on August 9, to discuss military mental health care, telehealth, the impact of COVID-19, and embedded mental health support.Lt. Gen. Robert I. Miller, U.S. Air Force Surgeon General, presented a welcome

  • Key Spouse Mentors gather virtually to share ideas, best practices

    Air Force Reserve Key Spouse Mentors from around the country came together virtually May 7, to share their ideas, struggles and best practices. The Key Spouse Mentors conference also provided guidance and education on a host of Reserve programs available, resiliency and wellness techniques.