BUCKLEY AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. -- The Calendar Year 2021 Air Force Reserve Major Line and Nonline Promotion Board has been rescheduled for March 29, pushing it back two months from its original date of January 29. This change is due to new Department of Defense and Department of the Air Force requirements, and the time need to implement them.
As a result of the changes to major promotion boards, the captain continuation boards have also been postponed and will be held immediately following the major promotion boards.
Headquarters Air Reserve Personnel Center has made the necessary changes to the convening notice and will be releasing additional information regarding the new requirements once they received them from the Secretary of the Air Force. The board convening notices for the CY21 USAFR Major Line and Nonline Promotion Board (ARPCM 20-18) and USAFR Captain Continuation Board (ARPCM 20-30) can be found on myPers.
Eligibility requirements have changed due to the new convening date. Please note that the one-year requirement on the Reserve Active Status List (RASL) is now March 29.
Military personnel support sections, please read the entire convening notice for changes concerning these promotion boards. Pull new MELs for your Senior Raters and ensure all eligible officers are showing under appropriate SRIDs. ARPC/PBO will push the OPBs in AFPROMS and they will be available for 14 days.
The POC for this message is HQ ARPC/PBO at arpc.dpbb@us.af.mil or by calling the Total Force Service Center at 210-565-0102
, DSN 665-0102.