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  • Don’t be a turkey, stay safe this Thanksgiving

    Although a delicious tradition, deep-frying a turkey on Thanksgiving can be risky. While some people rave about this tasty creation, the use of turkey fryers can be unsafe when used irresponsibly.

  • MacDill runway construction on schedule

    Airfield construction is well underway at MacDill Air Force Base, Florida. The construction started Oct. 20, 2016, to prevent foreign objects and debris (FOD) issues that could have placed aircrews and aircraft at risk.

  • Hurricane Matthew no match for MacDill relief mission

    In response to Hurricane Matthew, the 6th Force Support Squadron (FSS) at MacDill Air Force Base, Florida, wasted little time springing into action to provide comfort and support to those displaced by the storm.

  • MacDill’s golf ball had its final round

    One of MacDill’s popular landmarks will soon be no more. “Turn left at the golf ball,” won’t be said after Sept. 21, 2016. That’s because the radome, which is a satellite covering affectionately referred to as the “golf ball” by base populous, began permanent deconstruction Sept. 12, 2016.

  • KC-135 Stratotanker reaches historic milestone

    When Boeing introduced the first KC-135 Stratotanker during the Eisenhower administration, no one at the time could have expected it would still be flying 60 years later.But for the past six decades, this modified Boeing 707 has established itself as one of the workhorses of the Air Force’s

  • MacDill Citizen Airmen hope for the best but prepare for the worst

    When most people think of a disaster that could potentially affect their community, a hurricane, tornado or flooding come to mind. Often overlooked are the worldwide health related epidemics such as HIV, Ebola and the Zika virus that recently made its way to South Florida.In order to effectively