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  • Developing resilient leaders

    Lt. Gen. Richard Scobee, Chief of Air Force Reserve and Commander, Air Force Reserve Command,  recently outlined his vision, mission, and priorities for Reserve Citizen Airmen. One of which was to develop resilient leaders.What does that mean? Develop resilient leaders…in my 33 and counting years in

  • Why I wear the uniform

    The Airman Battle Uniform, otherwise known as ABU’s, is the uniform I and many other Airmen put on every day when we report to duty. To the outside world, it is nothing more than another camouflage uniform worn by a branch of the United States military. However, to anyone who has ever or still puts

  • New perspectives could be what you need

    I was on top of the world, and I felt like nothing could possibly bring me down. I had just recently graduated from the University of Central Florida, had a pilot slot secured, and was moving to my first training base to begin my career in the world's greatest Air Force. Little did I know my whole

  • Commentary: Deployment 101

    Earlier this month, I had the privilege of witnessing deployers from the 507th Operations Support Squadron reunite with their loved ones at the end of their deployment. My wife was a key spouse providing information and communication to families to ensure a smooth transition for everyone. Later, we

  • Staying healthy during the holidays

    It’s that time of the year again. Squadron potlucks, family dinners, and eating out while shopping or traveling. According to a recent study by Cornell University, some Americans will consume 4500 calories and 250 grams of fat during holiday celebration dinners leading to an average weight gain of

  • Suicide: no glory

    Editor’s Note: none of the events referred to in this commentary happened at Kirtland. Silence befell the dorm, a place that was never quiet. OSI agents were carefully processing the room before permitting me to document. Shaolin the DVD was at its menu screen, the music from the motion picture

  • That time of the year, it’s tax season

    Tax season is around the corner and members of MacDill Air Force Base, Florida will hopefully be able to receive a nice amount of cash back from all their hard work this year.

  • Chief's View: Reflections from a memorable first year

    Reflecting on my first year as the command chief and the newly named senior enlisted advisor to the chief of the Air Force Reserve, I feel honored to represent the more than 56,000 Reserve enlisted Airmen who continue to support global operations. The Air Force Reserve could not accomplish the